Low Carb Chicken Keto Meal Prep

This keto chicken recipe is fennel spiced and served with dairy free creamed spinach. Low carb for ketogenic diet.

This recipe is , , with main ingredient
Keto Meal Prep with Chicken

Healthy Chicken Breast Recipes

Alright folks, if you are going to cook with boneless and skinless chicken breasts, you better to prepared to add lots of flavor and know exactly how to cook it. I have many recipes for healthy chicken breasts on my site, the key is to either pound them thin, buy butterflied chicken breasts, or better yet, ask the butcher behind te meat counter to pound the chicken breast thin for you.

I mention the last one on my FlavCity YouTube channel often, and people say, “who has a butcher these days”, people..I am not talking about the neighborhood butcher from back in the 1950’s, the person who stands behind the meat counter at the grocery store is a butcher! They would be more than happy to hook you up and pound your chicken breasts thin for you. The advantage of doing this, is that the chicken will cook evenly and mic quicker that a big fat bones skinless chicken breast will.

Check my other chicken breast recipes, they all call for thin pounded chicken, this also helps the most amazing crust form on the breasts. Creamy mushroom chicken with low carb cauliflower mash is full of flavor and so is my beach body superfood bowl.

Easy Chicken Breast Recipes

All of my recipes on this blog as easy, but especially the recipes for chicken breasts. It all starts with buying chicken that is pounded thin and then adding a flavorful marinade. I usually opt for dry marinades using spices, they add insane amounts of flavor without adding any fat. Wet marinades are messy and take time, plus it’s hard for the chicken to get really crusty while cooking because the chicken is wet.

Making a flavorful spice rub for chicken breasts is easy, like the fennel spice rub used for this recipe. Just combine fennel powder, onion powder, and garlic powder..bam, you have a supercharged spice rub that will add loads of flavor to the chicken breasts.

How To Cook A Chicken Breast

Follow my simple rules for cooking chicken breasts and I ca guarantee juicy, crusty, flavorful chicken every single time!

#1 Allow the chicken to come to room temperature with the spice rub on before cooking it. Cold chicken breast in a hot pan or oven will cook unevenly and be tough. Your chicken has to get the chill off and while it;s coming to temperature, the dry rub marinade is infusing flavor, it’s a win win.

#2 Make sure your pan, ideally cast iron, is pre-heated. I love cast iron, if it was good enough for grandma it is good enough for me! A soon as the chicken hits the pan, you want it to sizzle so the crust ca start to form. Pre-heat the pan for 2 minutes over medium-high heat, add some oil, wait 30 seconds so it can heat up, and then add the chicken. Once the chicken goes down, don’t touch it until it;s time to flip, otherwise you will disturb to searing process and ruin the crust.

#3 Once the chicken is coked and out of the pan, allow it to rest for 5 minutes before cutting into it. The juices inside are boiling, if you cut right away, all the juices will pour out and the chicken will get dry. You can cover the chicken with tin foil to help it stay warm.

Creamed Spinach Recipe

This meal prep is served with a diary free creamed spinach that is out of this world! I wanted to keep the entire recipe dairy free, so I decided to cook the spinach with coconut cream and coconut milk. But don’t worry the creamed spinach does not taste like a pina colada, it is very savory thanks to the crispy bacon and sauteed mushrooms. I have served this creamed spinach to man people, and they can’t even tell that it’s dairy free.

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8 thoughts on “Low Carb Chicken Keto Meal Prep”

  1. I made this a week after the video came out and it was really fantastic! The chicken was easy to cut, so smooth and delicious! The spinach: I think I never had so much flavor in my spinach before… I highly recommend this recipe and I will for sure cook it again and again.

  2. We just found your Keto recipes on our Utube channel on our TV. We are excited to try your recipes! I am very interested in the Thrive site but I cant locate your Promo Code. Can you give it to me or tell me how to locate it. Thank you and keep up the great videos!!!

  3. I just found your channel…..LOVE IT!!!! I really detest coconut in any form. Can I substitute with half and half and whipping cream?

  4. I do not like fenne and I am finding lots of you chicken recipes use it. Will you give me another spice rub idea please? Also how many of your recipes in your new book have fennel?

    1. Not a lot of the recipes in the cookbook have fennel. If you don’t like fennel, you can substitute cumin powder. If the rub already has cumin powder, you can sub onion powder or garlic powder. Keep on cookin’!

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