Paleo Breakfast Tacos

Soft and silky scrambled eggs on cashew flour tortillas with pasture raised bacon, salsa, and avocado. A quick and easy paleo breakfast recipe for the weekend.

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breakfast tacos

Many of you see Dessi and I eat these breakfast tacos on my Instagram stories during the weekend, so I wanted to make a video and blog post to share the recipe. These breakfast tacos are so easy to make and they are loaded with paleo goodness. The key is to use grain free tortillas (I love cashew flour ones from Siete), really good organic pasture raised eggs, and top quality bacon (from Thrive Market).

After you make these breakfast tacos, you want to try my keto and paleo mini meatball breakfast scramble!

How To Make Breakfast Tacos

One of the best things about this paleo breakfast taco recipe is that is incredibly easy to make, which is a good thing because my brain does not function well on the weekends! Start off by cooking 4-6 pieces of top quality pasture raised bacon in a 400 degrees F oven for 15 minutes. When you cook bacon lying flat on a sheet tray it cooks evenly and does not splatter as much as doing it in the pan.

While the bacon cooks, you can make the best scrambled eggs of your life by following my time tested techniques. You are going to want to cook the eggs low and slow in a non-stick pan and mix the entire time using a rubber spatula. Watch the video to see exactly why, but it’s all about forming small egg curds as that results in a soft and silky scrambled egg. Make sure to salt at the end of the cooking process, as salt can make the texture grainy. It will take about 5-6 minutes for the eggs to come together and look perfect.

The remaining ingredients for the breakfast tacos are easy, especially when you use my favorite store bought salsa. The double smoked tomato salsa by Frontera is top notch with great classic ingredients! Assemble the tacos with the eggs, bacon, salsa, avocado, cilantro, and lime juice. Enjoy!

paleo tacos
Paleo breakfast tacos

What Are The Best Paleo Tortillas?

By far, the best store bought paleo tortillas I have tried are made by Siete brand. They have quite a few options, but the cashew flour tortillas taste and feel just like the real deal! Make sure to warm them in a cast iron pan set over medium heat for 30-60 seconds per side before assembling the tacos.

Make sure to check out my other paleo and keto breakfast recipes:

  • Low carb pumpkin spice hemp heart oatmeal
  • Starbucks egg bites
  • Keto french toast
  • Keto eggs benedict

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breakfast tacos

Paleo Breakfast Tacos

Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: Mexican
Keyword: breakfast, tacos
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2 people
Author: Bobby Parrish

Soft scrambled egg breakfast tacos with cashew fluur tortillas and pasture raised pork bacon.



  • 6 organic & pasture raised eggs
  • 4 slices of good quality bacon
  • Grain free tortillas I like siete cashew
  • Store bought salsa
  • Avocado
  • Cilantro chopped
  • 1 lime
  • Unrefined salt & black pepper
  • Grass-fed ghee or avocado oil


  1. Make the bacon by pre-heating the oven to 400F and laying the bacon on a parchment lined sheet tray. Bake in oven for about 15 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, make the eggs by vigorously whisking the eggs in a large bowl. The air you beat in the fluffier the scrambled eggs will be. Heat an 8-10 inch non-stick pan on medium-low heat with 1 teaspoon of ghee or oil. Add the eggs and continuously stir with a rubber spatula. Keep cooking for 5-6 minutes until the eggs come together and are done to your liking. The goal is to keep stirring and break up the egg curds to keep them small. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper at the end, remove from heat and cover with tin foil.
  3. Prepare the other ingredients by warming the tortillas, heating the salsa in a small pot, chopping the cilantro, and slicing the avocado.
  4. Assemble the tacos with all of the toppings and the chopped bacon, squeeze lime juice over the top and enjoy!

Recipe Video

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