When I was in L.A. last month, my friend Thomas Delauer and I made a bunch of grocery and recipe videos. He shared with us 3 healthy smoothie recipes that are not only really tasty, but can help with stress, brain boosting, and the keto diet. These awesome smoothie recipes use ingredients that are easy to find, but the combinations are really unique and can help you powder through the day.
I encourage you to watch the YouTube video below to hear exactly how these smoothies can benefit you and why these particular ingredients were chosen. Also check out our keto eggs benedict recipe that we made in the same video.
How To Make A Low Carb Strawberry Breakfast Smoothie
To make this keto breakfast smoothie of champs, start by adding 1/2 cup of frozen organic strawberries to a blender. We bought all of the frozen fruit and veggies from Costco for these smoothies. Too add some good fat, scoop in one tablespoon of coconut cream and keto coffee creamer. If you don’t have the coffee creamer, use coconut milk powder, or even coconut milk.
The coconut milk is loaded with MCT’s, which are great for adding energy and boosting weight loss on the keto diet. Add 1 tablespoon of Nutzo nut butter, or almond butter, follow by chia seeds, fresh avocado for an added boost of fiber, monk fruit sweetener, collagen powder, and a tiny pinch of good quality salt.
Blend all the ingredents with 8 ounces of unsweetened & plain almond milk and enjoy! This is a great low carb smoothie to start your day on the keto diet.
How To Make A Stress Relieving Chocolate & Cherry Smoothie
This chocolate and cherry smoothie is designed to help your body relieve stress, plus it tastes great. Try to find the rushmore frozen berries at Costco, they have cherries, raspberries, pomegranates, and more. Add 1/2 cup to a blender along with 1/4 of an english cucumber with the peel, 1 tablespoon of raw and organic cocao, lemon peel and juice, dash of cinnamon, and a handful of power greens.
Blend everything up with 8 ounces of unsweetened & plain almond milk and enjoy. If you can’t find the power greens mix, just use raw organic baby spinach.
How To Make A Brain Boosting Blueberry and Spice Smoothie
This third healthy power smoothie will help boost your brain and give you the energy and focus needed to get through the day. Start by adding 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries to a blender along with a tiny pinch of good quality, unrefined salt. The salt has 60 trace minerals, including electrolytes, to help you hydrate and focus.
Scoop in one tablespoon of coconut cream and keto coffee creamer. If you don’t have the coffee creamer, once again you can use coconut milk powder. Add 1 scoop of collagen peptides, monk fruit sweeter, and a dash each of cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Watch the Youtube video below to see why the pepper and cinnamon really trigger some great things in your brain.
Blend everything up with 8 ounces of unsweetened & plain almond milk and enjoy.
Make sure to check out my other breakfast recipes: