Keto Chicken Saltimbocca

Low carb chicken saltimbocca wrapped in sage, prosciutto, and dusted in seasoned almond flour. Served with keto roasted cauliflower and brussels sprouts mash.

This recipe is , , with main ingredient
chicken saltimbocca

I wanted to create a keto comfort dish that tasted like you were being a naughty naughty boy/girl, but was actually 100% keto diet approved and full of flavor. This chicken saltimbocca recipe uses juicy chicken thighs wrapped in sage and salty prosciutto. We all know that Italian restaurants dip the chicken in flour before pan frying, but that is off-limits on keto.

Well thank goodness for almond flour. Just make sure to season the almond flour before dipping the chicken and remember that we always season at every step of the cooking process. Allow the chicken to sit at room temp. for 20 minutes so the crust can really setup and adhere to the meat.

Make sure to check out my keto chicken salad recipe also!

How To Make Chicken Saltimbocca

Make sure to start this recipe with boneless and skinless chicken thighs. They have way more flavor than chicken breasts and won’t dry out as easily. Season the chicken thighs with salt and pepper, place a fresh sage leaf in the middle, and wrap with one piece of prosciutto. Dredge the chicken in almond flour that is seasoned with salt and pepper and place on a wire rack.

The almond flour is what makes this recipe low carb and keto, and replaces all-purpose flour in the traditional recipe. Add enough olive or avocado oil to cover the bottom of a large non-stick pan and cook over medium heat for about 6-8 minutes, or until well browned. Flip and cook another 5 minutes then move to a clean wire rack to rest. Repeat with the remaining chicken and keep warm in the oven.

Keto Cauliflower Mash

I have quite a few recipes for cauliflower mash, but this one is my favorite. The reason I like it so much is because you first roast the cauliflower florets in a 450F oven until well browned, along with the brussels sprouts. This add tons of flavor to the mash, way more than just boiling it.

Go ahead and blend the cauliflower with hot cream that’s been wamred with garlic cloves and sage, and grate in a bunch of parmesan or percorino romano cheese. Once the mash is very creamy, chop the brussels sprouts and fold them in. If you have picky eaters in the house, I promise you they will enjoy this veggie pack ad low carb mash!

Make sure to check out my other keto recipes:

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28 thoughts on “Keto Chicken Saltimbocca”

  1. I made it, it was delicious! The chicken had amazing flavor and super tasty even reheated days later. Cauliflower mash was perfect. I’ll be making it again soon, thanks Bobby

  2. We made the cauliflower and Brussels sprouts and it was so good it made me feel like I was cheating. I am trying to get my hubby to make the chicken tonight ?

  3. Christine Allison

    I made this and it turned out amazing! I didn’t leave a comment then. But it was so good that I’m going to make it again. Loved it that much thanks Bobby

  4. Hi Bobby,
    I made this chicken with your broccoli/cauliflower salad with avocado dressing. It was delicious
    thank you!
    Haydee Banuet

  5. Ok seriously I love your recipes this one is the second one I made and it totally makes me feel like I am eating a gourmet meal. I am learning so much from you watching the video’s that you have on YouTube. Even if I fail at the keto diet (not likely just saying) I will have learned to prepare food at a whole new level. THANK YOU!!!!!!! Keep them coming:)

    1. Wow, I love to hear that Debra! I want to help all the home cooks out there step up there game, so I am glad you are rocking my recipes 🙂

  6. Just stumbled across you YouTube channel yesterday and so glad I did. Made this dish tonight. Both were easy to prepare and totally awesome! Thanks

  7. Hi Bobby, I made this last night and it came out so awesome I took pictures to send to my friends who asked for the recipe.

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